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What should a business do first, when considering going into a new market?

Hire an agency to translate its website into the local language Open a new office in the capital city Determine its ability to deliver products and...

Which of the following is not a component of Google display ads value proposition?

Intent Machine learning Performance Search Answer:- "Search" is not a component of Google Display Ads' value proposition. Explanation:- Google Display Ads' value proposition includes several key components, including: Intent: Google Display Ads...

For autotagging, what parameter does Google ads include in the destination URL?

utm= urlid= adid= gclid= Answer:- For autotagging, Google Ads includes the "gclid" parameter in the destination URL. Explanation:- The "gclid" parameter is a unique tracking parameter that Google Ads adds to...

Which user characteristic may not be used to change keyword bids in Google Ads?

ad preference device time of day location Answer:- Ad preference is not a user characteristic that can be used to change keyword bids in Google Ads. Explanation:- Google Ads allows advertisers...

When linking a Google ads account to google analytics, what is not possible?

Adjust keyword bids in Google Ads from Google Analytics Create remarketing lists in Analytics to use in Google Ads campaigns View Google Ads click and cost...

Which of the following is a core benefit of Google Ads automated bidding?

User ID-based bidding Impression share-based bidding Daily budget pacing Auction-time bidding Answer:- Auction-time bidding is a core benefit of Google Ads automated bidding. Explanation:- Automated bidding in Google Ads is a...

In an SEM auction, your quality score is based on which aspect of your ad?

Bid Relevance Wit Length Answer:- In an SEM auction, your quality score is based on the "relevance" aspect of your ad. Explanation:- Quality score is a metric used by search...

When advertising using search engine marketing (SEM), you only pay…

A. when your ad appears within the search resultsB. when a conversion happens on your websiteC. when your ad is clicked by someoneD. when...

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