HomeSEOSemantic Content Writing Rules

Semantic Content Writing Rules


1. Include more entities, and attribute values, as long as they are relevant to the macro context.
2. Include a single macro context for every web page.
3. Use factual sentence structures. (X is known for Y → X does Y)
4. Use research and university studies to prove the point. (X provides Y → According to X University research from Z Department, on C Date, the P provides Y)
5. Be concise, do not use fluff in the sentence. (X is the most common Y → X is Y with D%)
6. Do not break the context across different paragraphs.
7. Optimize discourse integration.
8. Opt for the question and answer format. Remember Google converts all your headings into Questions so do it for them.
9. Do not distance the question from the answer. Answer the question immediately then expand upon it. Not the other way around. A definitive answer should be given in the first sentence.
10. Expand the evidence with variations.
11. Do not break the information graph with complicated transitions. Follow a logical order in the declarations.
12. Use shorter sentences as much as possible.
13. Decrease the count of contextless words in the document.
14. Delete all words that add nothing to the context . Delete all words that, if deleted don’t change the meaning of the text.
15. Give more information per web page, per section, per paragraph, and sentence. Especially unique information.
16. Create a proper context vector from H1 to the last heading of the document. Remember contextual flow must ne linear!
17. Always give consistent declarations and do not change opinion, or statements, from web page to web page. This extends to all your additional 1st part properties like videos and Socials, GBP etc and 2nd part properties like citations.
18. Use a consistent style across the documents to show the brand identity of the document.
19. Have unique n-grams, and phrase combinations to show the originality of the document.
20. Including the same n-grams at the end of the web document and at the beginning is essential to reflect the contextual consistency and a proper contextual vector.
21. Include multiple examples, data points, data sets, and percentages for each information point. Experts use numbers, statistics and evidence!
22. Complete a single topic with every detail, even if it doesn’t appear in the queries, and the competitor documents. Less important inclusions can be added as lower order headings to signal this to Google.
23. Use fewer links per document while adding more information.
24. Do not promote the products while giving information about your topic. Information pages should be seen as unbiased and bipartisan.

1. Use ordered and unordered lists.
2. For long form answers use definitions, entity signifiers and qualifiers. Mention concepts and connections.
3. Keys terms used must be connected to the title and heading 1 and in turn they must be connected to the topical map. Context is vital. In other words do not break the context of the document that is governed by the vectors created by your title and primary heading.
4. Stick to a 40 word limit per answer where possible. Helps trigger for snippets.
5. **Be certain**: suns rises everyday. From NLP any sentence with “will, should, need to, have to”, those sentences are not valid for fact extraction.
6. **Cut the fluff out**: delete all contextless words.

1. Be sure that every word you are using has [contextual relevance](
2. **Use numeric values**: tell the exact number. Experts are specific.
3. **Qualify the instances**: sometimes only numeric values are not good enough. Tell there are 6 severe symptoms of X disease, there are… There 9 rare symptoms… Experts are specific.
4. **Understand context of verbs**: Determine predicates wisely.

1. **Give examples after a plural noun**. There are X different cryptocurrencies to trade in Coinbase including Bitcoin, Ethereum and Dogecoin.
2. **Use the same Part of Speech Tag (word role) in the first word of sentence for a listing.**

1. **Optimize Subordinate Text first sentence.**

1. **Put if statements in the second part of the sentence.**

1. **Do not delay the answer.**

1. **Bold the answer, not the search term**.

1. Never give your opinion in an article.
2. Never use an “everyday language” in the articles.
3. Don’t use analogies.
4. Don’t use unnecessary words.
5. Always use short sentences instead of long sentences.
6. Always give answers directly and precisely.
7. Always use a “source” as an authority before giving a statement.
8. There are only two rules for **content length**.
– Content should be as short as possible.
– Content should be as long as necessary.

# [Topical Map]( Codes with descriptions.

– **FS**: Featured Snippet: 40 words, 320 character limit
– **PAA**: People Also Ask: The definitive answer should be given in a single sentence. Be certain and direct.
– **Anchor Text**: Word => URL:

Word => Anchor Text, URL = Related Article + Hash Identifier (#)

– **Listing**: List Items for FS: Introductory sentence, list elements, proper HTML List Marking, Heading and Introductory sentence harmony, list can be ordered or unordered (in the example, they can be only unordered)
– **Definitive Answer**: Long-form mentioning answer: The long answer, including all concepts, should be given with context reinforcement. Use all the qualifiers and signifiers of an entity, while mentioning the connections and explaining everything.
– **”Term”**: Include the Term with Definition or Context: The relevant concept should be passed in the relevant section.
– **Instruction list**: A list with commands.
– **List item**: An item from a list, such as first or third.
– **List outro**: A paragraph after the list tiems of listing.
– **Table Definition**: A definition that defines the table with purpose.
– **Table**: A table with the related dimensions, columns and headers.
– **Table Dimensions**: Different columns, or rows and their names and
– **Table Outro**: A paragraph that comments, or defines the situation
– **Unordered List**: A list without a prominence order
– **Semantic closeness**: using two related concepts with lexical semantics
– **Expansion of evidence**: Evaluation of the fact with its effect, function, importance…
– **Factual Proposition**: An indisputable fact proposition based on evidence
– **Synonym usage**: A replacement word for another word. It is valuable
– **Annotation text**: Words for improving the contextual sharpness. It w
– **Named Entity Recognition System**: Entity qualifiers to make every entity explicit, and
– **Long Form Exact Definitive Answer**: Explicitly used qualifiers to define the entity, its role
– **No Co-reference**: Not using the pronouns to mention an entity
– **Sentiment System**: Not using the power words, or words with strong f
– **Co-ocurrence Word Pairs**: Words that exist together for different Contextual
– **Passive Preposition**: Do not use a casual language answer questions with
– **Casual Language**: Use daily language to give your opinion. Do it after
– **Comparisonal Proposition**: Compare a fact, product, service, entity and its [attributes](
– **Headword**: A word that should be defined. Use “” to define
– **Headword explanation**: Headword explanation includes the definition, fund
– **Coreference with Parenthesis**: Include the alternate name or the related term
– **Sequential Sentences with Premise**: Make a premise, and follow it with senquenctial semantics
– **Similar Entities**: Include the entities from same type or include the
– **Related Attributes**: Include the related aatributes of an entity to answer
– **Criterias of Adjective**: Include the criterias of an adjective from a proposition
– **Variable Portion of Proposition**: Prepositions and the changeable related words with
– **Conditional Propositions**: Make a proposition based on a condition or an op
– **Statistical evidence**: Include a statitical value for a related entity or un
– **Entity type matching**: What are the cat types ? Animal, biological creature
– **Title Terms**: include the proper words from
– **Representative image**: An image with the alt tag from heading
– **Unique Value Opportunity**: Information gain score possibility with unique
– **Evidence repeating**: Repeat a previous evidence based on the context
– **Knowledge Domain intersection**: Connect two broader topics to each other based on
– **Contextual Domain based Terms**: Process an entity and its attributes based on a con
– **Currency Usage**: Include the currency of intended audience
– **Regional Signals**: Include the locale names from different
– **Format:** paragraph

– **Head words in the format of listing**. Whenever you use the word “X”, the Search Engine will take the html list to understand the context and the informativeness of the list. It is applicable to html tables too. Use specific context terms inside each list item too. An example to this is a “Declaration: Evidence” template.

## Don’t create an extra sentence if there is no logical reason.

For Example:

Question: How old is Tanjiro in demon slayer anime?

Answer 1: Tanjiro is 25 years old. His birthdate is Dec 2, 2002.

Answer 2: Tanjiro is 25 years old and his birthdate is Dec 2, 2002.

Answer 3: Tanjiro is 25 years old. Tanjiro’s birthdate is Dec 2, 2002.

Answer 2 is good to go, because with each new sentence search engines will use a new token. Both Ans 1, and 3 will require two tokens, but Ans 2 will require only 1 token.

## Adding perspective richness to the paragraph under heading.

First give an overall factual answer to the question. Then, you can add the perspectives after that to increase the “perspective richness” of the content. The perspective could be diversified as well.

For Example:

**Heading:** How to learn English Fast?

**Paragraph:** There are x ways of learning English faster. First…. Second…. Third…..

To teach a child (teacher, parent, aunt).

In the above example, the perspective would be richer based on teaching children from the perspective of teacher, parent and aunt. Please don’t overdo the perspectives in the above paragraph. If you overdo you’ll break your semantic structure and the prominence of other sections of the article.

You can prioritize the use of perspectives based on two factors.

1- Audience and their search behavior.

2- Annotations in the queries. (In simple terms, analyzing from how people are searching the queries in Google, and with what perspective we can fulfill their intent.)

## Long-form question answering vs short-form question answering.

## “You should try to use short questions in your content.”

Search engines are quite good at understanding short questions in the content.

First of all the word count doesn’t define if the question is short form or long form.

The concepts in the questions will define it.

A long question might look like

Question + Condition/declaration:

What is the importance of life if we all die?

– *What is the importance** >— Question
– *If we all die** >—- Condition

What is the effect of the moon on earth’s orbit despite it way being smaller compared to earth?

– *What is the effect of the moon on earth’s orbit >—-** Question

**despite it way being smaller compared to earth? >—-** Declaration.

Try to use shorter questions because longer questions might be confusing for search engines.

If you still want to use longer questions try to use in the following way.

H2: Grouper question- It should be short form

H3: Put your questions, qualifiers (like “if”), statements, declarations, in the form of short form questions as a connected question.


## Don’t copy questions from People also asks and competitors. Try to ask unique questions in the content.

You can use question hub of Google to ask questions in your content


## Don’t link out to citations while writing content.

For example in this content

(, there are studies linked throughout the article, and at the bottom there are sources. But in this content (, there is no link to citations. We will follow the 2nd example while mentioning research in the content.

Healthline has given links throughout the content to scientific research but we will not do that in order to not pass link juice.

Healthline has mentioned the related sources at the bottom of the content, and we will also not.


## When you add table in content, always define with context what’s in the table

In the image below you can see how the explanation is given to the reader about what’s included in the table and their context.

## If a word doesn’t change the meaning of the sentence, delete it.

Algorithmic Authorship and Content Engineering (Writers Instruction)

To make sentences more structured and the search engine (and people) understand the meaning of content better, you need to follow the following rules while planning and writing the content.

Rule-1: Use the Proper Word Sequence Query-1: What is a Penguin? Answer-1: Penguin is a flightless seabird with flippers instead of wings that live almost exclusively below the equator. Answer-2: Penguin is a flightless seabird that lives almost exclusively below the equator. Answer-3: Penguin is a flightless seabird that lives almost exclusively below the equator and they have flippers instead of wings.

#Correct Sentence Structure: Answer-1

Query-2: Where does a Penguin live? Answer-1: Penguin is a flightless seabird with flippers instead of wings that live almost exclusively below the equator. Answer-2: Penguin is a flightless seabird that live almost exclusively below the equator. Answer-3: Penguin is a flightless seabird that live almost exclusively below the equator and they have flippers instead of wings.

#Correct Sentence Structure: Answer-3

Note In micro semantics, we just changed the word sequences and the word orders or the word compositionality (রচনাশীলতা) and they play with the relevance. This is called **relevance configuration.**

So, prioritizing the attributes and the context, if you have an interrogative (প্রশ্নসূচক) term inside the query, you always have to understand that a specific type of entity, you will need to be using.

Rule-2: Be Certain If it looks like a fact and if you say a sentence like “Sun will rise tomorrow”, it doesn’t mean that actually this is fact. Because you are using a wrong modality . Sun will rise tomorrow. This sentence is just your opinion.

“Sun rises every day” is actually a fact. Don’t use the wrong modality. These following words signal just opinion, not fact. -Will -Should -Have to -Need to

Rule-3: Cut the Fluff Out Do not use context-less words. In the following sentence, yellow mark areas are contextless.

# **There is one more fact about electric cars that every driver should know and it is the electric charger capacity. Also, according to the electric charger type, the electric battery charging time might vary.**

Whenever you use a paragraph, be sure that all the words that you are using, they always have a kind of contextual relevance. Look at the following paragraph’s green mark words. They actually have direct relevance configuration benefits for us. So try to configure the relevance by using contextual words.

# **Electric charging times change based on electric car charger types. For example, X type of electric car charger is observed to be faster 5% compared to Y type of electric car charger.**

Rule-4: Use Numeric Values Do not write “there are many reasons exist”. Just write there are 5 main reasons, 6 main reasons or 7. Just use a numeric value in your sentences.

If I don’t see any number in a content, I will just understand that this doesn’t reflect any expertise at all.

Rule-5: Qualify the instances Do not say “the symptoms of x disease…” But “there are 6 severe/ rare symptoms of x disease, these are…”

Rule-6: Understanding the Context of the Verbs “Increase” signal >> “health” “Improve” signal >> “skill” + “health” “Develop” signal >> “skill”.

The verb “increase”, actually a verb that signals the health context. And the verb “improve” actually signals a context for health and skill. Verb “develop” signals actually just a skill.

Note If you go to Google and if you check some of the verbs you will realize that every verb is connected to a different type of context according to these contextual zones, actually the relevance will be changing for them too.

Rule-7: Give Examples After the Plural Noun. For instance, do not tell there are forty different crypto currencies in Coinbase. After telling that crypto currencies, tell what kinds of cryptocurrencies these are. And it is important to use these types of examples as much as possible as well.

Rule-8: Use the Same Part of Speech Tag (Word Role) in the First Word Sentence for a Listing. Ensure (Verb) + Noun Clear (Verb) + Noun Spend (Verb) + Noun Absorb (Verb) + Noun Follow the same PoST for all sentences.

For certain types of lists, I’m always actually using certain types of verbs or instructions as much as possible.

Rule-9: Optimize the Subordinate Text First Sentence Sometimes the search engine processing systems don’t check the entire content. If the subordinate text (which means that the sentence after heading) is not responsive enough, they might not check the rest of the article. That’s why giving the answer earlier as much as possible with the correct format is really important. Example Heading: How to do X….. Wrong Subordinate Text: X is a process….. Correct Subordinate Text: To do X….

Match the adjective, predicates, nouns order between questions and answers. (This is a must)

Rule-10: Put “if” statements in the second part of the sentence (First declaration, then the constraint) Another thing here is that, actually putting the if statements or because type of sentences to the second part of the sentence as well.

Wrong: “If A becomes B, do X.” Correct: “Do X, if A becomes B.” First declaration, then constraint. But basically, do not write that “if A becomes B, do X”. Just write your instruction or your result or the declaration to give the condition after that.

Rule-11: Match the Anchor Text with the Targeted Web Pages Titled. If you want to use “sleep efficiency” in your actual anchor text, be sure that it appears in the targeted web pages (link to) title and also the source pages (link from) heading as well. If you are able to match them by providing contextual relevance to, it will be providing actual best possible responsiveness as well.

Targeted Web Page (link to) Title: 10 Ways to Improve Sleep Efficiency Source Web Page (link from) Tile: Sleep Quality Test Heading: What is Sleep Efficiency? Possible Anchor Text: Sleep Efficiency

Must match anchor text and its context between source and target.

Rule-12: Do not Delay the Answer If I ask you what are the benefits of the vision boards for entrepreneurs, do not define the vision boards there. Just tell me what is the benefit, how many benefits exist, which one is most important for what kinds of entrepreneurs. And in this case, you will need to think a lot or you can use it sometimes to get help from AI systems.

Questions: What are the benefits of vision boards for entrepreneurs?

Wrong Structure: Vision boards are the boards for….. To prepare a vision boards…… Benefits of the vision boards…. Correct Structure: There are X main benefits of vision boards for an entrepreneur…..

Singularity and plurality matter for micro semantics.***

Rule-13: Bolding to Answer not the Search Term. Query: What is a penguin? Answer (Wrong Bold): A penguin is a flightless seabird Answer (Correct Bold): A penguin is a flightless seabird

Signal the answer part, not the relevance.

Basically, if I ask “what is a penguin?”, do not bold the penguin, bold actually flightless seabird. Because it is the answer section. If you bold the answer format, you will be actually signaling the answer part of your text to the search engines.

Few more techniques for writing the semantic content

●The queries used to investigate the topic should be listed hierarchically in the single article.

●The search-intent of these queries should be analyzed.

●Entities such as persons, institutions, laws, countries, places, cities, and dates in the subject should be listed.

●In order for the contents to be completely distinguishable from each other by Search Engine, it should be determined how much of which subject will be processed in which content.

●It should be specified to the Search Engine with the meta tags, headings, keywords, and anchor texts of the URLs to be created, which content meets which Search Intent.

●Main Content and Supplementary Content half in a URL should be done properly to avoid the Keyword Cannibalization problem.

●The Layout, Functions, and Contents of competitor pages in the SERP of the most important queries and the historical ranking results in these queries should be examined.

●The content should be created in a fully specialized language, to benefit the user and make sure that it is easily understood by the Search Engine.”

# Good to know Rules:

1. Have a concrete authorship authority for your own topic.
2. Reformat the document in an infographic, audio, or video to create a better web surface coverage. Here I use the Google tabs at the top of the search bar to signify the most important modalities for my primary search query/queries
3. Use the internal links to cover the same seed query’s subqueries with variations of the phrase taxonomies. This means to use internal links on your web page to connect your content to other relevant pages on your website.
4. Use the FAQ and article structured data to consistently communicate with the search engine from every level and for every data extraction algorithm.
5. Use branded CTAs by differentiating them from the main context and structure of the document. “By differentiating them from the main context and structure of the document” means that you should use call-to-action (CTA) buttons that are visually distinct from the surrounding text and design of your website or document.
6. When linking from a page using anchor text use target page URL plus #identifier to jump straight to the section associated with the outbound link anchor text.
7. Do not have any E-A-T negativity, have news about the brand with a physical address and facility.
8. Be reviewed by the competitors or industry enthusiasts.
9. **Match Anchor text with the targeted webpage’s title**. Match anchor text and its context between source page and target page.



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